January 31, 2019 1 min read

Name: Steve Quinlivan
Favourite venue: Flaxlands Fishery
Favourite species: Common Carp
Favourite Style/approach: Pellet Feeder, filled with Tutti Expander mix cast to the edge of an island, with constant catapulting pellets over the top
Most memorable session - 110 carp landed on the bank in just over 8hrs @ Flaxlands. Accurate casting and feeding and all those fish on the bank made for the best session of my life. 
List of PB’s - 18lb 12oz mirror from Ivy House Lakes
16lb common from Flaxlands
4lb Chub from Flaxlands
110 carp landed in a single day session 

About me -
I am a father of 3 young girls (I’ll get at least one of them into fishing one day!) and have been fishing for the past 25 years on and off.  I first started with a rod, float and hook, then moved more into carp fishing with some success, however, it has been the last year or so where I have had most of my success. I have moved to match style fishing methods, and with a “small” amount of direction, have managed to find out I’m not half bad. Recently I have managed some epic sessions, and totalled over 1100 carp on the bank my last season. 
Steve in Action

I usually fish the up to one of the islands on the large lake at my favourite venue, Flaxlands Fishery, about once a week or more if family life allows it.