July 08, 2017 1 min read

Another great trip at Moulden Hill Lake, my tactics for the day was feeder fishing at around 45 yards. As normal I opted to use a Drennan Pellet Feeder as I find these feeder's hold the bait a lot more on the way to the bottom of the lake bed, as well as only allowing the fish to approach the feed by one way, from the bottom of the feeder.

My hooklink is a Drennan Method Bandits, these are great as they are nice and short and very durable even after a few fish. My bait for the day is a protype bait at the moment but judging from my results of late I am positive that Steve Clarke is on to a winner, as are the rest of the team at Hinders. Here are a few pictures of my fish at the end of my days fishing, i ended up with 42 fish ranging from 4-7lb.