January 26, 2017 2 min read

Throughout the winter months I enjoy getting away from the syndicate fishing; spending time socialising with friends and catching a few when the fishing is at its hardest. This year, the winter has seen some particularly cold temperatures and lakes have regularly frozen over. Throughout December and the beginning of the new year, I have managed to get some time on higher stocked venues in order to keep a bend in the rod.
Utilising all manner of tactics, I have managed some great captures including a special common from Layer pit when I visited at the end of November. This was caught on traditional winter tactics as it were; bright singles over a scattering off free offerings and some pellets. Combining the Tails Up Pro Fruit; a proven winter bait alongside Hinders Betalin and Black slime meant I had a fantastic cold water combination. 
As the winter drew on the fish were spending less and less time on the bottom and feeding began to become more productive in the upper layers. I really enjoy zig fishing through the winter, fishing on commercial venues with friends. Hinders do all manner of things conducive with this type of fishing including the A-mix, a whole host of particles to add as well as liquids and of course the Nutz sludge.
Last but not least when I have managed a day session or two I have also used solid bags to great effect. Utilising a bright pop up from the excellent range at Tails Up (my preferred option is pink fruits) I have added either Hinders Little Gemz 50/50 or the amino pellets and a matching dip such as the Betalin and Almond or the black version to add even more attraction. 
This winter has been very different to last year for me, as its a lot colder, meaning my syndicate really has shut up shop and a new addition to my family in the shape of a little boy. With an understanding wife it has meant that my trips are no longer 24 or 48 hours but rather days or afternoons spent mobile around more prolific lakes. The baits and tactics described above have accounted for all of my fish this winter and have kept me awake, as I am not sleeping much at home at the minute!!